About the community

Hi Powerful IPs! This community was created to facilitate the exchange of ideas and real-world experiences among new IPs. Please refrain from sharing sensitive information. To request private coaching, click on "Request Coaching" from your dashboard.

Powerful IP™ Exchange Hub (By invitation only)

  • 5 members
  • 25 posts

Start your learning journey today

New to infection prevention with up to 3 years of experience? Join our Powerful IP™ Exchange Hub for resources and discussions with your peers!

Private Coaching

Do you need one-on-one coaching?

Group coaching sessions and discussions in our community help participants learn valuable information with their peers but they do not allow for coaches to dedicate sufficient time to focus on their individual goals. To make the experience more valuable to you, private coaching is available through our emPOWER coaching program. In this program, in-depth guidance and support is provided by subject matter experts who have a wide variety of expertise in IPC. If you’d like private help from a coach to focus on your specific needs, help you with a project, or teach you specific IPC skills, contact us now!